Sunday, August 23, 2009

Duffy's Love Shack, Red Hook St Thomas V.I.

With a name like Duffy's Love Shack, it ought to be a fun place to check out. It sits in a parking lot in a shopping center in the Red Hook section of St Thomas. The front is open air. It is like a little Tiki bar on speed.
I would dub this more of a tourist bar then a local bar. But the tourists are fun and create a lively atmosphere. Not many wet dish rags hang out a in a place like this.
The place is known for touristy drinks in cheesy Tiki glasses. Even if you are not apt to fall for gimmicks like this, you have to indulge. As the evening rolls on the customers usually become the entertainment.
The Washington Post wrote: What if Jimmy Buffett gave a party and everybody came? It would look like Duffy's Love Shack. It's almost guaranteed to blow your inhibitions's Parrot Head paradise.